Slot machines do not involve any sort of intelligence to play them but there are some money management suggestions that could help you to have a better experience.
The most important thing about slot machine money management is to make sure you can play for an extended period without realizing a decent-sized win because that is exactly what may be required before such a reward is made available. This may sound in direct opposition to some of the suggestions made further into the article but it is acknowledged now that the above statement is paramount.
A popular advertising slogan for lotteries is that you must be in it to win it and they couldn't be more correct. The same applies to any kind of gambling but is probably more pertinent to slot machine gambling than it is to any other kind because of the long stretches of not winning which are possible when participating in said endeavor.
Slot machines were designed to pay out large amounts, but less seldom as opposed to a game such as baccarat where the player has a better than forty-nine percent chance of winning on every hand played but the amount paid is equal to what is wagered. A slot machine is capable of paying back hundreds or even thousands of times what was wagered so with that in mind it makes perfect sense that you are not going to experience a win every time you play the game.