Thursday, August 15, 2013

Why Switch to Web Based Telephony?

For the vast majority of businesses operating across the country today, telephony systems are seldom given a second thought. Assuming they carry out their job to the extent the business requires, there seems little reason to consider making any sweeping changes just for the sake of it. After all, the time, costs and upheaval of it all would probably not be in the best interests of the business, right?

Well, while this might seem like a logical point of view it is in fact seriously misinformed. Despite the fact that web-based telephony is indeed an advanced and to some extent cutting-edge take on a traditional concept, it has the potential to make the running of the business considerably easier and cheaper. Brands like Polycom for example have introduced products that make global conferencing and video conferencing child’s play.

It’s all about simplification and refinement, which is already helping businesses of all sizes the world over operate with consistency and efficiency like never before.

Here’s a look at just a few reasons why a switch to web-based telephony makes sense:

Ease of Use

As mentioned, once installed a Polycom system for example takes little to no training to operate and yet offers the most sophisticated conference calling the business world has ever had access to. Whether looking to simply improve voice calling or introduce video calling, it really has never been easier to upgrade without complicating anything.

Potential for Expansion

One of the very best things about using the internet as a platform for voice and video communication is the way in which it is 100% scalable and demands zero notice when modifications are required. A business that runs using a standard telephony system for example will have little choice other than to arrange installations of new lines and new hardware each and every time an expansion or change of service comes into the equation. With web-based telephony on the other hand, there is near infinite space to play with which can be made use of in an instant at the request of the business. As such, when it comes to future expansion and growth of the business there need never be any barriers or obstacles on the communications front.


And then of course comes the way in which traditional telephony systems including both mobile phones and standard analogue landlines are all prone to service slowdowns and outages from time to time that can really harm a business. There are so many instances where a business that’s unable to operate its communication systems isn’t able to operate at all – thus bleeds money and incurs reputation damage by the second. With the web-based alternative however, there are so many safeguards and backups in place that this literally need never happen.

The list continues, but basically encompasses dozens of points around the same central theme – the internet is the next logical step in the future of telephony and business communications in general. Making the switch will one day become inevitable for all businesses of all sizes, making now the perfect time to get a valuable jump on the competition.